Once Built The First Rock House Will Be a Place For Those Affected With MS to Come to Receive Emergency Funds (As Available)
The Rock Against MS Foundation is in the initial fundraising stage for our first brick and mortar facility we will call the Rock House. Once the Rock House is established we will beginning working to provide, free of charge, multiple programs and opportunities designed to heal the mind, body and spirit of all those whose lives have been affected by MS. This includes establishing an emergency fund, to be administrated on a per case basis as funds are available, so that we can financially help those whose lives have been affected by MS.
- One-time emergency funds to help with basic needs, such as rent, mortgage, phone bill, utilities, etc
- Limited funds for repairs, equipment, or modifications to your home or vehicle
- Items for loan and equipment assistance
- Respite assistance and caregiver support
- Transportation assistance
- Employment assistance
- Referrals to local vendors
- Counseling and support
- Education programs
- Scholarships
- Etc.