

March is MS Awareness Month. Now is the time to get involved! You can help inspire members of the MS community by supporting the #HELP4 Initiative. There are multiple ways to get involved. You can simply make a donation to the RAMS #HELP4 Initiative to provide HELP4 those affected by MS in our community or you can commit to HELP4 people affected by MS in the community around you.


We need $15,000 to provide #HELP4 those in need in our MS community. Once you help us reach that goal we will distribute the following, free of charge:


(Qty. 15) Merry Maids – Gift Cards.

(Qty. 30) Alo Yoga – 1 Year Subscriptions.

(Qty. 30) Calm App – 1 Year Subscriptions.

(Qty. 100) MS For Dummies – Kindle App Downloads.


The Rock Against MS Foundation was formed to help real people whose lives have been affected by MS. After our founder Nancy B. Sayle received her MS diagnosis; she had friends, peers, and musicians lining up to help raise support for her. But not everyone has an amazing team of event planners, sponsorship managers, grant writers, or actual rock stars lining up to help. The RAMS Foundation uses its resources and relationships to provide help for others that they couldn’t otherwise find on their own.

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